
Observers were invited to report their degree of satisfaction on a 6-point semantic scale with respect to the conformity of a test colour with a white reference colour, simultaneously presented on a PDP display. Eight test patches were chosen along each of the +a*, -a*, +b*, -b* axes of the CIELAB chromaticity plane, at Y = 80 ± 2 cd.m(-2) . Experimental conditions reliably represented the automotive environment (patch size, angular distance between patches) and observers could move their head and eyes freely. We have compared several methods of category scaling, the Torgerson-DMT method (Torgerson, W. S. (1958). Theory and methods of scaling. Wiley, New York, USA); two versions of the regression method i.e. Bonnet's (Bonnet, C. (1986). Manuel pratique de psychophysique. Armand Colin, Paris, France) and logistic regression; and the medians method. We describe in detail a case where all methods yield substantial but slightly different results. The solution proposed by the regression method which works with incomplete matrices and yields results directly on a colorimetric scale is probably the most useful in this industrial context. Finally we summarize the implementation of the logistic regression method over four hues and for one experimental condition.

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