
Subject. The article considers the development of methodological approaches to assessing the impact of innovation processes on the dynamics of indicators of mesoformations’ economic condition. Objectives. The purpose is to identify problems of unbiased and qualitative assessment of the level of innovation of mesoformations and suggest possible ways and methods to solve them. Methods. The study employs content analysis of works on problems of relationship and interaction of innovative and economic development, and rests on methods of systems, comparative, structural, and logical analysis. Results. The paper highlights pros and cons of methods for assessing the nature of the impact of innovation processes on economic development of mesoformations, offers a methodology for calculating the Balanced Innovative Development Index of mesoeconomic entities, which is based on determining the composition of sub-indices of first and second order that reflect the state of individual components of innovative processes. I tested the methodology, using the statistical data for the status of individual subjects of the Volga Federal District. Conclusions. Strengthening the role of innovation processes in progressive economic dynamics of mesoformations necessitates further development of methodological approaches and tools for assessing the impact of innovation on the gross domestic product growth. Objectivity of monitoring results is required for effectiveness of government regulation measures aimed at stimulating innovation and sustainable economic development. The proposals for improving the panel of indicators of innovative and economic processes can be used to elaborate programs for socio-economic development of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and adjust regulatory measures.

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