
Due to the paucity of comprehensive studies in the field of library digitalization, a brief description of the methodology for assessing the digital transformation (DT) of libraries is presented. The problem is considered according to various components. Domestic and foreign approaches to the study of the level of DT are described. The stages of assessing the level of digital maturity of libraries (analysis of the socio-professional background of digital maturity, functional benchmarking of digital maturity of specific libraries, intellectual data analysis and replication of best practices, data-driven sectoral management with the use of artificial intelligence and revision of regulations) are substantiated. The levels of digital maturity of libraries (readiness for DT, activity of DT, innovativeness of DT) have been defined. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for comprehensive assessment of libraries’ digital maturity at the general and corporate levels, and to propose tools for assessing the level of digital maturity of specific libraries. Recommendations for processing the results obtained using modern software and hardware tools are given. For the first time a formula for quantitative assessment of digital maturity of libraries using indices is proposed. The presented variant of the matrix for assessing digital maturity of technological processes includes the main library processes as components of digital maturity and expands the understanding of functional benchmarking aimed at comparing the results of digital maturity of specific libraries.Based on the study, the following conclusions are drawn. 1. To manage DT, it is necessary to organize continuous monitoring of digital maturity of libraries, i.e. their readiness for DT, activity of DT, innovativeness of DT expressed in criteria and indicators agreed with the professional community. 2. The results of monitoring should become an important component of management decision-making based on digital data (data-driven approach) and forecasting of both positive and negative trends as a result of intelligent data analysis. 3. The analysis of the digital maturity level of libraries will make it possible to create appropriate rankings, as well as dashboards (interactive visualisation dashboards), which have increased visibility, decision-making power and motivate libraries to achieve goals in DT.

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