
The article discusses the decline in the level of methodological training of teachers of military universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article considers the conduct of experimental research, the implementation of measures of the target pedagogical program for the use of ethnopedagogic heritage in the education of cadets. The author emphasizes the importance of the basic pedagogical conditions for improving the methodological training of teachers based on the experience of folk pedagogy. Important pedagogical conditions for improving the methodological training of teachers by means of ethnopedagogics are: communication with the cadet, official activity (official, pedagogical), communication and activity, in turn, are focused on obtaining a certain result when creating pedagogical, educating conditions in the cadet environment. In the study, the concept of "ethnopedagogic design" should be understood as a plan (project) for the systematic introduction of traditional elements of the material and spiritual culture of the Kazakh people into the educational process of a military university. The article reveals the ethnopedagogic approach as a directed enrichment of future educational influences with ethnotraditional elements. Developing its own definition of the ethnopedagogic approach, it should be argued that this is a purposeful filling of the pedagogical process with traditional elements of Kazakh ethnopedagogy. The author pays special attention to the improvement of the methodological training of the teaching staff of military universities, which in their activities should be guided by the following ethno-pedagogical laws: moral and ethical laws, laws of tradition education, patterns of ethno-social roles, etc.

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