
The article provides methodological tools that allow to carry out a socio-ecological and economic assessment of the balance of regions in the development of renewable (alternative) energy sources. When forecasting the development of renewable energy in the region, it was taken into account that, unlike fossil fuel-based energy, it does not have a significant impact on the environment, since it uses material and energy flows circulating in natural systems. During the study, it was found that only one transition to renewable energy sources will not allow achieving carbon balance in the regions. The landscape features of the region significantly affect the possibility of its conservation. Therefore, in each region, it will be necessary to identify the area of territories with a special nature conservation status that will allow maintaining the carbon cycle. Methodological tools were tested on the example of the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation. As a result, it was found to maintain a balanced carbon cycle, it will be necessary to increase the share of natural steppes to 49.1% of the total area of the region, and achieve the value of renewable energy in the regional energy balance up to 93%.

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