
Audiovisual consumption at an early age is considered as a special type of activity that promotes children’s interaction and mastery of audiovisual content. Such acquisition occurs through the necessary communication with its carriers and through the mediation of “others” who produce, provide, direct and/or accompany the content in a specifi c sociocultural context (ICCP Researchers Collective, : ). To carry out the study, the operationalization process was carried out, which allowed to determine the dimensions, components and indicators of audiovisual consumption. The fi ve dimensions included the conception of child development, determination of audiovisual content, exercise of mediation, management of audiovisual content, as well as carrier devices and sociocultural context. Another step is the derivation of the instruments.  instruments were prepared and applied to the analysis of children from three to six years of age, their families and educators, providers and fi lmmakers. Elements that contributed to characterize audiovisual consumption for early childhood development were identifi ed. However, to characterize consumption, the methodological procedures had to be designed. Understood as the complements of the methods selected for the investigation, with the main function of orientation in ordered actions, which serve as tools in the assessment of audiovisual consumption effects on early childhood development. For this, a study was carried out with a fundamentally qualitative approach, in which the theoretical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and systematization methods of scientifi c research are privileged.

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