
Empirical studies of sociology of management need adequate methodology particularly because the re-sults of these studies influence managerial decisions. The authors identify the relevant methodological principles and demonstrate their evolution from antiquity to the present. They note that methodological foundations can lead to invalidity of empirical data and to risk of erroneous decisions in case these foun-dations are used outside the worldview on the basis of which they were formed. The science about meth-ods, or methodology, has passed through three stages in its development since antiquity to the present day: metaphysical, dialectical, and tektological. These stages replaced each other, modifying and incorpo-rating into the subsequent ones. The authors justify that the methodology of sociology of management, based on the three-level model «fundamental methodology –middle level’s theory –empirical research»,began its full-fledged development starting from Hawthorne experiments.During these experiments the principles of the Taylorian concept of organization were first rethought critically, by E. Mayo. The au-thors note a tendency in contemporary research on sociology of management toward a focus on normative power and moral means of involvement. Many fundamental approaches in sociology of management are linked with the complex of ideas of Alexander Bogdanov’s tektology: contemporary methodology of so-ciology ofmanagement is based on the tektological principle of organization. The authors offer a model of sociological research on and improvement of management mechanisms in organizations that was de-veloped on the basis of practical consulting experience.

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