
The purpose of this article is to consider the methodological features of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine (NRFU) mapping as instruments of thematic interactive map creation of the specified objects in Poltava region. It is defined as a modern mapping service. That is the result of work and an innovative and effective application tool, in particular for environmental monitoring and land management of the region. Main material. Based on modern scientific methods, types of objects of the nature reserve fund on the map are applied. The possibility to obtain additional meta-information about them through pop-up dialogues and hyperlinks are substantiated. It is proved this holistic cartographic work and at the same time dynamic information-cartographic system must match modern practice requirements. Different groups of users in the framework of environmental monitoring, regional land management etc. must be informed to perform a number of important strategic and tactical tasks. The authors formulate approaches to determining the overall effectiveness of the developed thematic interactive map through the purpose, the results of the intended use and the creation cost, maintenance at the current level. The authors applied the methodological principles of geoinformation mapping for this (heredity, system compliance, continuity, consistency, representativeness, scale, cost-effectiveness), assessing the effectiveness of the system approach, obtaining not only a general indicator but also partial estimates, flexibility of methods to change conditions use map. The algorithm of regional geoinformation mapping of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine has been developed. This is generally characterized by consistent implementation of tasks at three levels: theoretical, informational-logical and practical. The list of information mapping layers of the interactive map, which make up its contents are obtained. This is based on using various types of data from the created object-relation database, which contains 376 NRFU objects in Poltava region (98.2% filling). Conclusions. As a result of the research on the creation of a thematic interactive map of NREU in Poltava region, using effective methodological tools, the provisions of modern regional geoinformation mapping in the form of an established algorithm are formulated.

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