
A retrospective analysis of the economic theories of marginal utility, general economic equilibrium, spatial economics, production factors, and organization theory was carried out from the position of forming the methodological basis for the emergence of the theory of balanced development of food supply for the population. The substantive aspects of the critical concepts of the identified theories are detailed in their influence on the formation and formation of the methodology for food supply to the population, including maintaining a balanced and equilibrium state in the conditions of continuous influence of external factors on food systems. For each identified theory, provisions have been established that determine the relationship with the methodology of the area under study. It has been established that the emergence of the theory and methods of balanced development of food supply for the population is a natural stage in the evolution of economic science in the context of increasing the role and importance of man in the modern economy. The methodological grounds identified are the need to achieve and maintain a balanced human diet, ensure coordination and maintain a balance of social and economic interests of consumers and food producers, ensure a balanced state of food production and consumption, maintain a balance of resource capabilities and future food needs of people, prevent the emergence of imbalances in the food sector. The work results can be used to develop new conceptual frameworks for developing the domestic agro-industrial complex and allow us to form a more holistic and detailed understanding of the specifics and features of achieving balanced agri-food sector development.

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