
At the present stage of development of the market economy, organizations have to work in a tough competitive mode and in conditions of active introduction of innovative technologies. Effective sales management of the company contributes to the implementation of marketing goals of modern business structures. Due to the fact that the company’s entry into the market requires an instant response to consumer requests, an individual approach to projects and, very often, the fulfillment of orders in a fairly short time, the development of a set of methods for managing the company’s sales is an urgent topic in modern market conditions. The company’s sales management is a complex and multi7stage process aimed at ensuring stable income and high profits through the implementation of a competent and adequate sales management system. The ambiguity of the practical development of the methodological foundations of the company’s sales management lies in the absence of a unified approach, due to the fact that for one manager effective sales management consists in motivating employees responsible for the sale of products or services, other managers tend to the position that successful sales can be built by conducting purposeful work with sales channels, the third category of managers puts emphasis on to implement mechanisms for automating relationships with their partners.

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