
The question of competitive advantages formation characteristics in the field of tourism at the level of destinations is studied in the article. The theoretical analysis of concepts "region", "tourist region", "tourist product" and "competitiveness" of a tourist product is conducted. It is established that priority components of ensuring the sustainable country's development and a significant component of solving issues raising population living standards are overcoming the existing negative economic trends of regional development. It is defined that one of the ways out of the crisis economic situation at the regional level is the creation of systemic and complex prerequisites for the development of tourism, improvement of the functional and technical quality of regional tourist product components. It is revealed that a competitive tourist product, with the right combination of its factors formation and implementation, promotes regional development and increases population living standard in a certain territory. The methodical issues of working out a tourist product for regional development are substantiated. It is determined that necessary elements of a competitive tourist regional system are infrastructure, tourist product and population. The methodical approach to the formation of a competitive tourist industry at the regional level based on client-oriented principles of development and tourist services provision is suggested.

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