
The article is devoted to the analysis of methodological concepts of training future teachers for professional activity. Particular attention is focused on the fact that the improvement of the professional training of future teachers for the education of preschool children is connected with the establishment of those educational relationships that provide for the implementation of methodological approaches in the educational process of a higher education institution, the unity of forms, methods and means of creative and spiritual development of future teachers, which is connected with the implementation of the cultural and educational mission of the Higher Education Institution. It is emphasized that the basis of methodological approaches is a system of values related to the professional training of future specialists, the formation of respect for the social environment and oneself. It was found that scientists interpret the meaning of the concept of "methodological approach" as a set of appropriate approaches, methods (methods) of theoretical knowledge of practical activity, which are based on the provisions of a specific theory, determine the search directions of the subject of research, contribute to the achievement of the goal. It is specified that the methodological approaches outlined by us (personally-oriented, axiological, activity-based, competence-based) are the scientific basis for the formation of the professional competence of the future teacher. It is emphasized that the focus of the educational process of the institution of higher education on the preparation of education seekers is strengthened with the outlined competencies, which activates students' acquisition of relevant professional knowledge in pedagogy, general psychology, the formation of relevant abilities, skills, and key competencies aimed at demonstrating the readiness of future specialists to form artistically - children's constructive activities. In the mentioned professional training, it should be taken into account that the methodological approaches outlined by us contribute to the formation of value orientations of education seekers on the basis of national, universal, ethno-aesthetic values, since it is basically aimed at children's mastering of national symbols and traditions, provides conditions for the personal self-expression of the subject of education , satisfies the natural need of the individual in the direction of self-realization, affirmation of one's own "I", activating individual natural abilities and inclinations.

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