
International trade in goods is one of the most important tools for the development of the world economy. International trade meets the needs of the countries of the world in various goods, the production of which is absent in this country or does not fully satisfy domestic demand. Almost all countries in the world are interested in the development of international trade in goods. On the one hand, countries provide domestic needs through international trade. On the other hand, commodity supplies to international markets contribute to the inflow of foreign exchange earnings into the country, the establishment of international economic relations and, in general, can ensure the economic growth of the country. At the same time, excessive imports of goods can pose potential threats to the economic security of the state. Import of goods intensifies competition in the domestic market of the country with similar goods of national production. In this context, we are talking, as a rule, about price competition. The price of imported goods can be an order of magnitude lower than the prices of domestic goods, which is due to both economic factors and non-economic factors. In this regard, the countries of the world analyze price information on foreign goods in order to determine the reasons for the differentiation of prices for goods in international trade. As a rule, not a single price for imported goods is established, but a whole system of changes can be established depending on the same market conditions. This pricing system takes into account different market differences in different segments, different product options, different conditions of sale (for example, geographical differences in costs and demand), the intensity of demand in different segments, and different sales times of the product etc. The question of price modification arises for an entrepreneur when it is necessary to decide what prices should be set for consumers located in different geographic regions of a country. The article discusses a methodological approach to the study of the differentiation of prices for goods in international trade, based on the use of multivariate analysis of variance. The proposed methodological approach is aimed at identifying factors that have a strong impact on the diffеrentiation of prices for goods in international trade. Determination of such factors allows you to make optimal decisions in terms of controlling the cost of imported goods.

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