
This article is dedicated to the development of methods and applied aspects of the typology of international geopolitical conflicts in modern world. Relevance of this topic is substantiated by intensification of intergovernmental conflicts on the regional and transregional levels, as well as escalation of sociopolitical tension. The author offers a method of classification of geopolitical conflicts that considers spatial and time specificity of such forms of cooperation and is based on the comprehensive analysis of all components of the process. As one of the key factors, the author highlights the causes and prerequisites for formation of a conflict. An integral approach towards typology of the forms of conflict interaction between the countries is being developed on the basis of three-way classification matrix. The matrix is based on the three diagnostic features that characterize the key factors of formation and development of a conflict, and substantiate a subsequent model of intensification of a conflict. This allows achieving the necessary level of objectivity for conducting further complex diagnostics of geopolitical conflict and precision of the result of typology using the instruments and methodology of different scientific approaches towards studying such type of processes. The proposed method may be used in studying certain types of geopolitical conflicts of the past and present, forecasting the development and qualitative changes of a certain conflict in future, as well as comprehensive assessment of conflict potential of a particular territory of region as a whole. In the course of this work, the author established and confirmed interpretation and interdependence between the political decisions of one or another country and the corresponding geographical environment. Determination of causal lings allow viewing the method as a foundation for future examination of conflicts and forecast their development.

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