
The purpose of the article is to analyze the requirements of general school education regarding the education of art students as determinants of the professional future music teacher methodical training. Scientific sources of Ukrainian and Chinese art pedagogy were involved in the theoretical analysis. The analysis was carried out in the context of identifying the potential of the achievements of Ukrainian artistic pedagogy and science for their possible introduction into the Chinese music and music-pedagogical education system, which is currently being integrated into the world's cultural process. The methods of theoretical analysis are used to determine the essence of the fundamental definition of the music teacher's readiness to teach art students, comparing the positions of scientists to reveal the essence of the requirements for the complex of methodical training of music teachers in Ukraine and China. The analysis of music teacher training requirements in the Ukrainian education system is based on the conceptual ideas of the New Ukrainian School. The differences in the ways of musical and pedagogical education formation in China in the context of historical and cultural processes and national specificities are shown. The joint determinant of the successful teacher-musician's professional activity in the direction of integrative art education of pupils is formulated. It is multi-artistic readiness centered on musical art and systematically encompasses other types of art in practical creativity. The qualities of a music teacher, which are aimed at successful professional activity, are described: as universal, musical and professional (professional musicianship and music-pedagogical), and personal. The content structure of teacher-musician training in teaching art to pupils has been specified, which includes artistic-reflective, artistic-empathic, motivational-value, artistic-active, and artistic-communicative components. Emphasis is placed on increasing the requirements for the spiritual and personal development of the music teacher in the regulatory documents and practice of Chinese music-pedagogical education.

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