
The article discusses some provisions of the problem of moving cargo on a ship within the theory of initial stability. It is indicated that the presentation of the issue of the stability of the ship during the transverse and longitudinal movement of cargo on it in some traditional textbooks is not specific enough. If possible, the reasons for the occurrence of non-specific moments in the problem are analyzed. It is proposed to present this task using clearer formulations of its provisions. In particular, contrary to the existing opinion about the immutability of the initial stability of a ship when carrying cargo on its deck, the article clearly shows that the initial stability of a ship tilted due to the displacement of its center of gravity will be greater than that of the same ship in a straight state (with an unbiased center of gravity). And this is inextricably linked with the subsequent change in the stability of the ship at large roll angles. The materials of the article will help to form a better understanding of the ship's behavior at small roll angles caused by the movement of cargo on the deck, and will help to eliminate from the literature on ship statics sometimes incorrect conclusions from solving the problem of such cargo transfer.

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