
Urgency of the research. It is impossible to form competitive agricultural production in Ukraine without solving the problem of improvement of the mechanism of state support for agricultural production. At present deficit of new scientific economic knowledge is acutely felt. Alternative mechanism of state support on the basis of “markets challenges” was proposed. By this mechanism it is provided to implement disposable previously normalized compensation payments calculated per one percentage point, of the actual growth sales, and its starting level. Target setting. Backlog of Ukraine behind developed countries by parameters of efficiency of domestic agricultural producers (low crop yields, livestock productivity, etc.) is the result of lack of state support for agricultural production. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The basis of modern mechanism of state support of agricultural production has formed by works of B. Andriychuk [1], O. Borodina [3], S. Demyanenko [8], B. Galushko [6], S. Kvasha [10], A. Mohylny [13]. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Research works of the scientists listed above does not allow solving questions concerning finding of alternative option of the mechanism of state support, considering market demand strategy. The research objective. The aim of research is justification of the alternative mechanisms of state support for production on the basis of «market challenges». The statement of basic materials. Substantiates the feasibility of implementation of the alternative variant of mechanism of state support which provides for procedurally to perform a single dose normalized stimulating compensation payments, calculating per one percentage point of the actual growth in sales. Conclusions. Previously normalized compensation payments – is universal indicator, the foundation of reforming the entire system of government and comprehensive incentives for businesses in order to increase volume of production.

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