
The article is devoted to the problem of purposeful development of future psychologists’ career orientations in the context of their professional self-determination and self-realization. The requirements of modern society for specialists in the field of socio-economic professions and the role of forming career orientations taking into account the specifics of professional work in this field are considered. The concept of a professional career, its structure and the place of career orientations in it are analyzed. The article also presents the results of an empirical study of the motivation to achieve success among student youth as one of the essential prerequisites for the development of career orientations of future specialists. The results of the study of the specificity of different types of psychology students’ career orientations according to the method of E. Shein, taking into account the peculiarities of their motivation to achieve success, are considered. Special attention is paid to researching the reasons for young people of choosing a particular type of career and possible difficulties and obstacles along the way. Methodical means of developing the components of career orientations of student youth are outlined through increasing the motivation to achieve success, primarily during the organization of the educational process in higher education. The possibilities of applying the system of both traditional and innovative methodical means of developing student youth's abilities to self-knowledge and awareness of the specifics of the future profession and, as a result, to the design of a further professional career and its successful implementation are analyzed.

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