
Among the persistent organic pollutants of atmospheric air, a special place is occupied by a group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) or polyarenes due to their high carcinogenic hazard. In view of the ubiquitous presence of these substances in the atmospheric air, low values of hygienic standards and values of reference concentrations (RfC) for chronic inhalation exposure, the qualitative and quantitative identification of PAHs is the critical task. Purpose is to analyze modern methodological approaches used in laboratory practice to determine polyarenes in atmospheric air on the base of Russian and foreign sources. The paper considers modern methods for the analytical control of PAHs in atmospheric air, officially approved in the Russian Federation and presented in the world literature. The search for literary sources was carried out using the PubMed, RSC Publishing, Springer Nature, SCOPUS, eLIBRARY.RU databases. An analysis of the methodological and scientific and technical literature on methods for the determination of PAHs in atmospheric air made it possible to identify the main directions of methodological developments used in modern laboratory practice for the analytical control of polyarenes in air. The advantages and disadvantages of specific methods, individual stages of analysis, conditions for sampling, storage and transportation of samples, which together can lead to false positive or false negative results, are presented. Conclusion. Modern methods for the analysis of polyarenes in atmospheric air are the result of continuous improvement in the technique of performing individual analytical procedures, the development of new methodological approaches to solving analytical problems, the emergence of new, more advanced measuring and auxiliary equipment, which makes it possible to develop highly sensitive and highly selective methods for measuring toxicants in the human environment at the level of MPCdaily average, MPCone-time and RfC for chronic inhalation exposure.

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