
The signifcance of the evaluation of the logistical base of agricultural enterprises in the accounting system is revealed in the article. Research methods have been described and alternative approaches to inventory valuation by national and international accounting standards have been investigated, and it has been identifed that there are some inconsistencies in the formation of inventory values at the date of receipt, disposal and balance sheet date. The main features of organization of accounting of land plots in agricultural enterprises are established. To determine the value of the land previously used by the enterprise (for example, on certifcates of ownership and use), we propose to use in the current accounting the estimated value of the land, which is based on the regulatory monetary valuation, determined by differential rental income. It has been found that an integral part of a biological transformation is the assessment of changes in a biological asset, which includes measuring and controlling changes in quality (fat content, protein, fber strength, etc.) or quantity (breeding, weight, etc.). In the course of the research it is determined that the process of accounting and valuation of biological assets at fair value should include such steps as: defning biological assets as an object of accounting according to their classifcation; specifcation of biological assets by species, cultures, rocks and other defning features; active market research and price information and technical and economic information collection; selection of biological asset valuation methodology; the calculation of the fair value of biological assets in accordance with the methodology adopted. An examination of the IFRS 13 "Fair Value Measurement for the measurement of biological assets at fair value" has shown that it should be made from the perspective of all market participants and the market environment should be assigned to the entities themselves. This will take into account the differences that exist between them, as they differ not only in terms of quality but also in the types of economic activity. In order to improve the investment attractiveness of enterprises, it is advisable to evaluate agricultural organizations' land resources according to International Accounting Standards, which provide for fair value. Valuation of assets and liabilities at this cost will increase the transparency of the fnancial statements and the reliability of the information on the fnancial and economic activities of the entity. In addition, in the analysis of fnancial and economic activity of enterprises of the corporate sector of the agrarian economy, a real assessment of land resources will have a positive impact on the normative indicators of liquidity and fnancial stability, which is especially important in the conditions of fnancial crisis and growing need for investment. Key words: material base, resources, inventories, fxed assets, reproduction process, market value, fair price, land valuation, accounting efciency.


  • In order to improve the investment attractiveness of enterprises, it is advisable to evaluate agricultural organizations' land resources according to International Accounting Standards, which provide for fair value

  • Considering the problems of developing objective criteria and indicators for assessing the reproduction process of the components of the material and technical base of agricultural enterprises, it should be noted the unresolved issue of fair value, which creates a situation in which the balance sheet valuation of xed assets and other assets minimizes the ability to protect investors

  • In the current conditions of management of domestic agricultural enterprises to improve the analysis of their material and technical base, successful and long-term operation of relations with foreign counterparties provides for the application of IFRS 41 "Agriculture"

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In order to improve the investment attractiveness of enterprises, it is advisable to evaluate agricultural organizations' land resources according to International Accounting Standards, which provide for fair value. Expanded reproduction in agricultural enterprises and economic e ciency of agricultural production are largely determined by the level of material and technical base, the level of security, quality of xed assets, their e ective use and methods of their evaluation in accounting. It should be emphasized that a comprehensive scienti c study of current issues of improving the methodology for assessing the reproduction of the material and technical base of agricultural enterprises was not conducted.

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