
Annotation. Transformational changes in the health care of Ukraine contribute to the development of health care services and the introduction of market mechanisms in the health care organizations’ activities. Health care organizations need skillful strategic management and planning, development of criteria and indicators to assess the strategy effectiveness. The purpose of the study is to substantiate methodical approaches to the marketing competitive strategy’s effectiveness assessment for health care organizations in the market of health care services. Author used the principle of the Donabedian’s triad for structuring indicators to assess the health care organization’s strategy effectiveness. This approach allows considering three interrelated quality factors – resources, process, and patient treatment results. Applying a criterion-based approach to assess the health care organizations’ effectiveness has allowed developing criteria for marketing competitive strategy effectiveness assessment in three dimensions – efficiency, productivity and performance, and from two positions – external and internal. The paper proposes to determine the planned, current and target effectiveness of the health care organization’s strategy based on a comprehensive performance indicator. The types of indicators based on the Donabedian's triad can be used by managers to improve the clinical process and to assess the competitive marketing strategy effectiveness. The paper proposes a system of indicators to assess the health care organization’s marketing competitive strategy effectiveness, which can be supplemented to consider the specifics of the hospital operation.

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