
The article summarizes and analyzes the methods of determining the cost of engineering services in construction. The research methods are content analysis - to find information on pricing methods for design works and engineering services, analysis and synthesis - selection of pricing methods for design works and engineering services, for theoretical generalization of methodical approaches to pricing in the specified areas. 
 In world practice, there are three main methods of calculating the cost of engineering services in construction (consulting engineer): one-time fee; time rate; interest charge. Analysis of the international practice of approaches to determining the cost of the services of consulting engineers, the experience of own engineering activities allowed us to determine that in the field of pre-project, project services, administration, construction management, technical supervision, it is recommended to use all three methods of payment for the work of a consulting engineer, while when providing consulting services services, tender procurement, dispute resolution and arbitration - time rate or one-time fee. 
 The "time rate" method is universal and can be applied at any stage of the life cycle of an investment and construction project. The main difficulty of using this method is the need to develop a detailed program of the engineer's work. The basis for determining the labor-intensiveness of work should be internal company standards, determined on the basis of the analysis of "best practices", information on the duration of similar work performed by competitors, and own observations. 
 It is proposed to develop percentage indicators that will be differentiated depending on the scale and complexity of the project. The scale of the project is measured by the cost of construction (according to chapters 1-9 of the consolidated estimate), and the complexity is the class of consequences of the object (СС1, СС2, СС3).

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