
An objective methodology to guide decisions by hospital pharmacy departments on the best use of clinical pharmacist personnel is described. To help determine the optimal deployment of state-licensed Clinical Pharmacist Specialist (CPS) staff, a task force led by the pharmacy department at University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospitals developed an objective approach to evaluating the relative need for and potential impact of CPS expertise within the medical center's many service units. After analyzing several years of patient census and medication-use data and using information from proprietary databases (Thomson Reuters) to calculate a "service-specific pharmacy intensity score" for each hospital service, the task force identified five staff-allocation metrics best suited to the medical center's service-based pharmacy coverage model. By applying the methodology, it was determined that CPS expertise was most needed in the UNC Hospitals adult medicine oncology service, the bone marrow transplant service, and the medical and neonatal intensive care units. The tool was initially used to validate the pharmacy department's existing human resource allocation and has since been used to guide budgeting for and deployment of newly added CPS positions. A novel tool to guide the application of pharmacy human resources incorporates the objective criteria of patient census, patient acuity, teaching involvement, drug expenditures, and use of high-risk medications. The tool can be used to determine the appropriate allocation and placement of clinical pharmacist resources in a service-based coverage model.

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