
The way of study of corrosion processes on the surface of the metal electrode based on the results of observations of voltage fluctuations on it is proposed. The signal processing device for voltage measured on the surface of the metal electrode is developed. The device comprises a differential amplifier, bandpass filter and amplifier with controllable gain. The method of testing of the developed device is described. The research of the electrical noise voltage of the steel electrode immersed in an electrolyte solution is performed. The occurrence of the spectral component at the frequency of 10–12Hz during a series of experiments was observed. The searchfor sustainable criteria for evaluating the presence of corrosion processes in the studied surface area revealed that the most informative parameter in the study of voltage fluctuations associated with corrosion processes on the surface of the metal electrode is the shape of probability distribution of instantaneous values of voltage and evaluation of information entropy. The shape of the probability distribution can be a source of additional information on the progress of electrochemical reactions on the surface because dry electrode signal distribution law was similar in shape to normal. Changing the shape of this distribution with the introduction of additional local maximum shows the influence of extraneous input sources, which can be an electrochemical reaction. Information entropy estimation of instantaneous signal values at lower settlement expenses made it possible to distinguish between the results of different experiments. The changing information entropy of instantaneous values , means the changed properties of the sources of electrical signals on the surface of the investigated electrode. The research enables to carry out external monitoring of corrosion processes on the inner surface of metal pipes.


  • Metals and alloys are important modern construction materials

  • Wherever metal constructions are operated, substances interacting with metals are present that destroy them gradually

  • These results show that small length of the window causes overlay of information entropy estimates for experiment 1 and 2, which may lead to false identification of the presence of external sources of noise signal on the electrode surface

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16. Espressif smart connectivity platform

ESP8266EX [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://www.fut-electronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ESP8266_12_wifi_datasheet.pdf. MIDE Volture Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters [Electronic resource]. E. A typical filter design to improve the measured signals from MEMS accelerometer [Text] / A. ISO 10816–1:1995 Mechanical vibration – evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non–rotating parts – Part 1: General guidelines [Text]. Piezoelectric accelerometer and vibration preamplifier handbook [Text] / M. ISO 5347–3:93(en) Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick–ups – Part 3: Secondary vibration calibration [Text]. Що найбільш інформативним параметром при дослідженні сигналів, пов’язаних із корозійними процесами на поверхні металевого електрода, є форма розподілу ймовірностей миттєвих значень та оцінка їх інформаційної ентропії. Что наиболее информативным параметром при исследовании сигналов, связанных с коррозионными процессами на поверхности металлического электрода, является форма распределения вероятностей мгновенных значений и оценка их информационной энтропии. Ключевые слова: электрохимическая коррозия, напряжение электрического шума, форма распределения вероятности мгновенных значений сигнала, информационная энтропия мгновенных значений сигнала

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