
The concept of gravitational radiation as a radiation of one level with the electromagnetic radiation is based on theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed fact of existence of electron’s stationary states in own gravitational field, characterized by gravitational constant K = 1042 G (G-Newtonian gravitational constant) and by irremovable space-time curvature. The received results strictly correspond to principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation and the quantum mechanics. The given work contributes into further elaboration of the findings considering their application to dense high-temperature plasma of multiple-charge ions. This is due to quantitative character of electron gravitational radiation spectrum such that amplification of gravitational radiation may take place only in multiple-charge ion high-temperature plasma. In elaboration of the authors’ works [1-4], an essential instantiation of the concept of fusion plasma’s steady states formation (as the last paragraph outlines) and boundary conditions refinement in the electron’s stationary-states-in-proper-gravitational-field problem are appended to this article.


  • The received results strictly correspond to principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation and the quantum mechanics

  • The given work contributes into further elaboration of the findings considering their application to dense high-temperature plasma of multiple-charge ions. This is due to quantitative character of electron gravitational radiation spectrum such that amplification of gravitational radiation may take place only in multiple-charge ion high-temperature plasma

  • For a mathematical model of interest, which describes a banded spectrum of stationary states of electrons in the proper gravitational field, two aspects are of importance

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Gravitational Radiation as a Radiation of the Same Level as Electromagnetic

For a mathematical model of interest, which describes a banded spectrum of stationary states of electrons in the proper gravitational field, two aspects are of importance. Fisenko the one which takes torsion into account and treats the gravitational field as a gauge field, acting on equal terms with other fundamental fields [6] Complexity of solving this problem compels us to employ a simpler approximation, namely: energy spectrum calculations in a relativistic fine-structure approximation. In this respect there is no point in saying that gravitational effects in the quantum area are characterized by the G constant, as this constant belongs only to the macroscopic area and cannot be transferred to the quantum level (which is evident from the negative results of registration of gravitational waves with the G constant, they do not exist) Existence of such numerical value denotes a phenomenon having a deep physical sense: introduction into density of the Lagrange function of a constant member independent on a state of the field. At distances larger than this one, the gravitational field is characterized by the constant G, i.e., correct transition to Classical GR holds

Spectral Lines Widening of the Radiation of Multiple-Charge Ions
Thermonuclear Plasma Steady States Generation
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