
Large cities and metropolises in the Russian Federation are experiencing a trend towards the reduction of the public transport’s share in overall transit, due to the drop in service quality, exacerbated by the rising costs of transit, including the indirect time costs (waiting and making interchanges), and overcrowding, especially during the rush hour. On the other hand, the rising motorization rate and the increasing preference towards commuting by car cause a traffic overflow and lead to longer jams both at crossings and at other road network sections. This has plunged many metropolises into a transport collapse. This paper analyzes the time cost of making interchanges at transit hubs (TH) in Saint Petersburg, based on the data obtained in systemic inspections between the 1980s and 2018, which was the last year then the TH of different classes in Saint Petersburg underwent a time study. We compare the levels of service at various transit hubs inspected, by applying our own methodology, which we also describe in this paper.

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