
The mechanism of action of therapeutic exercises can be considered as a universal form of exercise. Therapeutic physical exercises can provide both a direct load on the contact and articular surfaces (walking and exercises with crutches), and muscle load (concentric muscle contractions, motor system). The high sensitivity of the bone to mechanical signals is the basis for non-drug interventions, including physical therapy.
 The article presents the authors method of physical therapy for patients with femoral head aseptic necrosis. The gymnastics was based on a set of exercises for dynamic modelling of the femoral head, developed by Huang Keqin, a doctor of the Beijing Specialized Clinic for the Treatment of Femoral Head Necrosis, and modern concepts of bonne tissue biomechanics and physiology. The set includes 3 types of exercises. The first type is based on the principle of autogravity burden. The second type consists of the exercises with an accelerated rhythm of small amplitude. Type 3 is based on the muscles post-isometric relaxation principle.
 In this article the recommendations are given regarding the exercises use depending on disease stage.

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