
The scientific article describes the methodology for developing the speed-strength abilities of students in grades 10 – 11 by means of judo. It has been established that the speed-strength readiness achieved by students has a positive transfer to various types of their life activity. The author's technique was developed on the basis of the theory of training in motor actions, the theory of adaptation, the theory of development of physical qualities and abilities, planning and control of physical activity, as well as on the basis of the general theory of training judokas. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, it can be argued that the problem of developing the speed-strength abilities of students in grades 10 – 11 of general secondary education institutions remains relevant and requires a modernized methodology for the use of physical exercises using judo means in the educational and training process of students at physical education lessons. The purpose of the study is to reveal the content and structure of the methodology for developing speed-strength abilities by means of judo in the educational and training process of students in grades 10 – 11.
 The following research methods were used in the study: the study and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature, observation, and conversations. So, according to modern scientists, speed abilities are mostly innate and least of all undergo changes in the training process. It has been established that it is possible to increase speed abilities both through the use of special methods and means aimed at developing these abilities, and indirectly, by developing strength qualities, speed-strength abilities, improving the technique of performing motor actions. The method of developing speed- strength abilities is, first of all, the performance of a well-mastered task at maximum speed, which allows the student to focus all his efforts on speed, and not on the method of performing the exercise. Performance of physical exercises or judo techniques for speed should be stopped at the first signs of fatigue.

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