
The efficiency of producing wells operation is determined by the choice of a reasonable technological regime. The paper presents a method for designing the operation regime of wells operated by rod pump installa- tions, based on the criteria for optimizing well flow rates and reducing specific energy consumption for oil production. For the development conditions at Uzen oilfield, the solution of the sys- tem of equations describing the joint operation of the well - reservoir - pumping unit is considered, the calculation of the steady-state bot- tomhole pressure and the expected well flow rate depending on the selected technological regime is shown. The method for determining the optimal well flow rate and the corresponding value of the theoretical pump delivery determining the technological mode of operation is dem- onstrated. A method has been developed for calculating the energy consumption of rod pump installations, based on the dynamic modeling of the operation of downhole equipment. The verification of the mathematical model proved the adequacy of simulation of dynamic loads and calculation of energy losses in downhole equipment of a pump installation. A method for determining power losses of surface equipment of a pump installa- tion is presented, taking into account the cyclical nature of its loading. A model curve of the change in the specific energy consumption from bot- tomhole pressure is calculated on the example of one of the wells of the Uzen oilfield, the features of its configuration are analyzed. It is shown that for the selected well, the values of bottomhole pressures from the point of view of optimizing the well production rate and specific energy consumption are close to each other. Verification of the developed method of calculating the specific energy consumption showed that the method with sufficient accuracy for practice allows the calculation of the electricity consumed by the rod pump installations.

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