
Link for citation: Rakhmatullina Yu.A., Alekseev V.A., Sultanmagomedov T.S., Khasanov R.R. Method of analysis of the stress-strain state of a base-centering device and a pipeline when carrying out the complex of emergency and recovery repairs. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets Engineering, 2023, vol. 334, no. 7, рр.7-16. In Rus. The relevance of the research is caused by the need to carry out calculations of the stress-strain state of the support-centering device and the pipeline, when the device under consideration is exposed to it, when the axes are displaced due to the presence of residual stresses when carrying out a complex of emergency repair by cutting out a defective section of the pipeline. The purpose of the study is to assess the possibility of using the design of the device and to calculate the stress-strain state of the device when the axes of the boundary sections of the pipeline are displaced due to the release of prestresses during the emergency repair complex for cutting out the defective section of the pipeline. Methods: methods of classical theoretical mechanics, soil mechanics, finite element method. Results. Based on the patent, a preliminary 3D model of the support-centering device and a method for analyzing the boundary conditions and loads affecting the device and the pipeline during the emergency repair complex were developed. The calculation of SSS (stress-strain state) was carried out, where the following results were obtained: when the frame is displaced down/up by 100 mm in the device, respectively, along the length and displacement, stresses arise at the junctions of the enclosing ring and the frame, as well as on the «lugs», exceeding the yield strength of steel; the coefficient of friction μ for the considered diameter of 1020 mm should not exceed 0,15 to prevent the occurrence of areas of plastic deformation of the pipeline during the emergency repair complex for cutting out a defective area in swamp conditions.

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