
Ion exchange resins are commonly utilized for water treatment in pressurized water reactors' primary loop. These resins have the ability to adsorb radioactive cations present in the primary loop coolant, leading to a purification effect. However, the resin becomes radioactive post-purification and cannot be regenerated, thus requiring regular replacement. As the process of resin replacement exposes personnel to radiation, it is crucial to enhance the resin's utilization. This paper aims to investigate a non-destructive testing method for evaluating the lifetime of resin in pressurized water reactor purification units. It also aims to offer guidance for safe resin replacement. The resin is contained in a column (commonly referred to as ion exchange columns) and consumed from top to bottom, with radioactivity decreasing in intensity from top to bottom. The study utilizes the longitudinal radioactivity distribution characteristics of ionic resins to build a gamma-ray detection system with high resistance to interlayer interference and good longitudinal resolution. In this study, a two-stage resin column was utilized to capture common fission product nuclides and corrosion-activated nuclides, such as 60Co, 137Cs, 54Mn, and 124Sb, from the effluent of a pressurized water reactor. The distribution of these nuclides was measured using this device. The results indicate that the activity levels of 60Co, 137Cs, and 54Mn reached their peak in the column before rapidly declining. The height of the resin layer corresponding to the highest activity level of each nuclide varied, indicating the resin's adsorption selectivity. After processing an additional 10 tons of wastewater, a second measurement was taken which showed that the failure range of the resin expanded downwards as the treated water volume increased. The entire distribution curve of the nuclides within the exchange column also shifted upwards and to the right. By comparing the first and second observations, we discovered that the bottom part of the resin will fail when the activity of the most penetrating nuclide in the wastewater surpasses a specific threshold. This research suggests a novel approach to predicting the lifetime of resin, which generalizes the trend of radionuclide intensity inside the ion exchange column.

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