
Business Process Management is widely used in enterprises, and modeling and validation of cross enterprise services composition is key challenge to ensure the correctness of cross enterprise collaboration. As the detail of a business process in one enterprise is not suitable for open to other enterprises, this makes the modeling and validation of cross enterprise services composition more complex than traditional service composition. Target on this problem, a new method is proposed. Local business processes is modeled as a composition of local activities. Cross enterprise business process is modeled as a composition of concurrent local business processes. In order to validate the cross enterprise business process, different input messages are provide to cover all branches of condition and PI Calculus expression will continue evolve. By analyzing the input messages and the result of calculus, it's easy to find the error. In order to hide the detail of the local process, equivalence rule is introduced to provide an equivalent process for collaboration. The equivalent process is equivalent to original process as they have same input and output. This novel Cross enterprise services composition method provides new feature than traditional service composition method. Firstly, it makes it available for modeling and validation of cross enterprise services composition based on strict formal method. Secondly, it makes it safe to open the business process of an enterprise to other enterprise because the business process open is not the real business process but an equivalent process with same input and output.

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