
Today, pseudo-random number generators are used in various systems and applications, including as key generators in stream ciphers. The implementation of the latest information and communication technologies (in particular, 5G networks) strengthens the requirements for ensuring the confidentiality of critical data and forces the development of new methods and means for cryptographic protection. Existing generators, like other cryptographic algorithms, do not meet the requirements for processing speed and security against known types of attacks. From this position, in the paper a method for constructing pseudo-random sequence generators was developed. It allows to build efficient generators for cryptographic applications. Based on this method, software generators of pseudo-random numbers have been developed and implemented. These will be useful for cryptographic applications in modern 5G networks. The developed pseudo-random number generators have passed complex statistical testing by the NIST STS technique (showed results not worse than the results of known pseudo-random sequence generators used in practice to solve similar problems). Besides, they are faster in comparison with analogues used today in 5G networks (for example, with algorithms SNOW and Trivium). In further works it is planned to investigate the security of the developed pseudo-random generators against different types of cryptanalytic attacks, as well as to simulate the work of the developed pseudo-random sequence generators using the base station equipment of modern 5G networks.

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