
The paper presents the method of preliminary estimation of harbour tugs main propulsion power and on board electric power station based on statistical analysis. At the beginning of paper, the classification of tug boats is executed. Tug boats are classified according to their type of service, type of main propulsion, equipment and way of service. For harbour and roadstead tug boats, the analysis of main propulsion plants and on board power station is executed. Pushing and tractor propulsion plants are presented in which different types of thrusters i.e. azimuth, cycloid and classic propellers are analysed. Advantages and defects of each type of main propulsion are pointed. Statistic methods of analysis are elaborated in Department of Marine Propulsion Plants of Gdynia Maritime University. These methods make possible in simple and quick way to estimate parameters of ship energetic system. The estimation is carried out with good correlation coefficient and high determination of regression coefficient. Statistic methods make also possible to forecast energetic systems parameters for ships to be built in the future. Dependencies for main propulsion power and electric power of onboard power station are not universal for all types of ships. They should be elaborated separately for each type of ships. In this paper, the results concerning only harbour and roadstead tug boats are presented.

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