
The introduction of intelligent control systems in oil fields is associated with a number of difficulties, in particular, related to the transmission of reliable data on the current state of the well, its main parameters: pressure, temperature and fluid flow, via wireless communication channels. Attempts to launch autonomous telemetry systems at oilfields equipped with multi-packer-sectional layouts were unsuccessful due to stable distortion of key information in the electromagnetic communication channel. The implementation of cable signal transmission systems is practically impossible due to the presence of several packers separating the layers in the well at the same time. This aspect significantly complicates the implementation of intelligent management of natural hydrocarbon deposits. As a solution to this problem, a method is proposed to correct errors that occur when transmitting telemetry data from the bottom-hole zone of an oil well over a wireless communication channel for cases when telemetry data is presented in a non-positional arithmetic code of the deduction class. The results of studies of the noise-resistant capabilities of the arithmetic code based on the Chinese remainder theorem have shown the expediency of using a deduction system. The article offers specific examples of detecting and correcting data errors in telemetry information. Keywords: downhole telemetry; number system in deductions; correction of data errors.

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