
Formulation of the problem. On board an aircraft, the solution of situational awareness tasks can be achieved as a result of the creation of an integrated multi-sensor information environment for a complex of onboard equipment, including sources of information that are heterogeneous in terms of construction principles and nature. One of the difficulties in creating such a multi-sensor information environment is the lack of specialized functional software for the on-board equipment complex, which allows processing and combining signals and information from heterogeneous sources, providing an assessment of the coordinate characteristics of targets in the form of phase coordinates of their spatial position and movement, as well as recognition and identification observed targets by characteristic features. To solve this problem, a method and interconnected algorithms for complex information processing have been developed that would allow combining heterogeneous information about targets, taking into account the conditions and methods of obtaining it when solving problems of tracking, recognition and identification of targets. Goal. Describe the method and interrelated algorithms for integrated information processing in the aircraft onboard equipment complex, which provide tracking, recognition and identification of targets based on information received from heterogeneous OBE sources. Results. The method of complex information processing on board the aircraft is described. A set of interrelated algorithms has been developed, including: an algorithm for the complex adaptive assessment of the phase coordinates of the observed target, conditional relative to its trajectory and signal signs obtained from the results of observations of heterogeneous sources; an algorithm for determining the nationality of the observed target, taking into account the assessment of its class / type based on the results of assessing the values of its trajectory and signal characteristics, as well as the conditions for assessing the phase coordinates. Practical significance. The optimization of the processes of a complex adaptive assessment of the phase coordinates of the observed target, conditional with respect to its trajectory and signal signs, and optimization of the decision-making process about the nationality of the observed target, taking into account the assessment of its class / type based on the values of the trajectory and signal signs of this target, obtained from the results of observations of heterogeneous sources. A variant of the practical implementation of the developed method and algorithms in the OBE of the aircraft is proposed.

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