
One exciting research topic is biofuels’ effects on soot formation. For this purpose, the combustion behavior of different biofuel pairs, with the main fuel being hydrogen-enriched methane, was investigated in a burner, using laser-induced incandescence (LII). The soot concentrations in several flames were observed for methanol, isobutanol, kerosene, dimethylfuran, ethanol, and isopropanol fuels coupled with hydrogen-enriched methane. Soot concentration was determined for the additive fuels and the effects of soot particles in the flame and Reynolds number on the flame oscillation and soot interaction were examined. The highest soot formation was observed in the h-methane + kerosene and led to large soot fractal aggregates. The isobutanol has 8.8% higher Re sensitivity for oscillation than isopropanol for soot concentration. Also, isobutanol causes a higher amount of soot production as Re increases. The flame area/soot area ratio decreases 1.7 times faster with dimethylfuran usage compared to kerosene. The dimethylfuran created a higher soot field in the flame by 23.9% compared to methanol and 25.9% compared to ethanol. At the tests, the lowest soot concentration was observed in the addition of isopropanol in hydrogen-enriched methane flame.

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