
Oligodendrocytes (OLGs) damage and myelin distraction is considered as a critical step in many neurological disorders especially multiple sclerosis (MS). Cuprizone (cup) animal model of MS targets OLGs degeneration and frequently used to the mechanistic understanding of de- and remyelination. The aim of this study was exploring the effects of metformin on the OLGs regeneration, myelin repair and profile of neurotrophic factors in the mice brain after cup-induced acute demyelination. Mice (C57BL/6J) were fed with chow containing 0.2% cup for 5weeks to induce specific OLGs degeneration and acute demyelination. Next, the cup was withdrawn to allow one-week recovery (spontaneous remyelination). At the end of this period, mature OLGs markers, myelin-associated neurite outgrowth inhibitor protein A (NogoA), premature specific OLGs transcription factor (Olig2), anti-apoptosis marker (survivin), neurotrophic factors, and AMPK activation were monitored in the presence or absence of metformin (50mg/kg body weight/day) in the corpus callosum (CC). Our finding indicated that consumption of metformin during the recovery period potentially induced an active form of AMPK (p-AMPK) and promoted repopulation of mature OLGs (MOG+ cells, MBP+ cells) in CC through up-regulation of BDNF, CNTF, and NGF as well as down-regulation of NogoA and recruitment of Olig2+ precursor cells. This study for the first time reveals that metformin-induced AMPK, a master regulator of energy homeostasis, activation following toxic demyelination could potentially accelerate regeneration and supports spontaneous demyelination. These findings suggest the development of new therapeutic strategies based on AMPK activation for MS in the near future. Graphical abstract An overview of the possible molecular mechanisms of action of metformin-mediated remyelinationa.

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