
AbstractThe spatiotemporal evolution of warm convective cloud fields over central Europe is investigated on the basis of 30 cases using observations from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on board the geostationary Meteosat platforms. Cloud fields are tracked in successive satellite images using cloud motion vectors. The time-lagged autocorrelation is calculated for spectral reflectance and cloud property fields using boxes of 16 × 16 pixels and adopting both Lagrangian and Eulerian perspectives. The 0.6-μm reflectance, cloud optical depth, and water path show a similar characteristic Lagrangian decorrelation time of about 30 min. In contrast, significantly lower decorrelation times are observed for the cloud effective radius and droplet density. It is shown that the Eulerian decorrelation time can be decomposed into an advective component and a convective component using the spatial autocorrelation function. In an Eulerian frame cloud fields generally decorrelate faster than in a Lagrangian one. The Eulerian decorrelation time contains contributions from the spatial decorrelation of the cloud field advected by the horizontal wind. A typical spatial decorrelation length of 7 km is observed, which suggests that sampling of SEVIRI observations is better in the temporal domain than in the spatial domain when investigating small-scale convective clouds. An along-track time series of box-averaged cloud liquid water path is derived and compared with the time series that would be measured at a fixed location. Supported by previous results, it is argued that this makes it possible to discriminate between local changes such as condensation and evaporation on the one hand and advective changes on the other hand.

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