
METEOROLOGICAL LUSTRUM OF 1871—75.—To the seventh Meteorological Report of the Grand Duchy of Baden, by H. Oscar Ruppel of Carlsruhe, just published, there is appended a paper giving the averages of the observations of pressure, temperature, humidity, rain, and snow, and thunderstorms made at the sixteen stations of the Grand Duchy during the Meteorological Lustrum ending with 1875. Considering the many physical and climatical inquiries of the highest importance which such averages, calculated for absolutely the same terms of years over considerable portions of the earth's surface, are certain greatly to elucidate, it is to be hoped that other meteorological institutes and societies will take the trouble to prepare and publish similar averages for their respective countries. In view of the more special inquiries which such averages are calculated to further, it will be necessary that anemometrical averages be included, and that all the averages be given for each of the different hours of observation.

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