
Meteoroid head echoes are radar returns associated with scatter from the dense plasma surrounding meteoroids striking the Earth's atmosphere. Such echoes are detected by high power, large aperture (HPLA) radars. Frequently such detections show large variations in signal strength that suggest constructive and destructive interference. Using the ARPA Long‐Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar (ALTAIR) we can also observe the polarization of the returns. Usually, scatter from head echoes resembles scatter from a small sphere; when transmitting right circular polarization (RC), the received signal consists entirely of left circular polarization (LC). For some detections, power is also received in the RC channel, which indicates the presence of a more complicated scattering process. Radar returns of a fragmenting meteoroid are simulated using a hard‐sphere scattering model numerically evaluated in the resonant region of Mie scatter. The cross‐ and co‐polar scattering cross‐sections are computed for pairs of spheres lying within a few wavelengths, simulating the earliest stages of fragmentation upon atmospheric impact. The likelihood of detecting this sort of idealized fragmentation event is small, but this demonstrates the measurements that would result from such an event would display RC power comparable to LC power, matching the anomalous data. The resulting computations show that fragmentation is a consistent interpretation for these head echo radar returns.

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