
The known metazoa parasite fauna of the invasive round goby Apollonia melanostoma (formerly Neogobius melanostomus) consists of 12 species. The core of the parasite fauna comprises two species: Cryptocotyle concavum and Diplostomum spathaceum; secondary species are absent; satellite species include Cercariae gen. sp. and Ergasilus sieboldi; rare species are Acanthocephalus lucii, Anguillicola crassus, Bothriocephalus sp., Dichelyne minutus, Hysterothylacium aduncum, Pomphorhynchus laevis, Piscicola geometra, and Tylodelphys clavata. Fifty percent of metazoa parasites that occurred in the invasive round goby in the Gulf of Gdańsk (an invasion that was first detected in 1990) are also typically found in the native Gulf of Gdańsk gobiids. The round goby hosts common fish parasite species: C. concavum and D. minutus, but none that are unique to the species and no Ponto-Caspian parasites. Notably, the parasite species of the invasive round goby in the Gulf of Gdańsk includes species that are atypical for this species in its native habitat. In its new habitat, the round goby variously serves the roles of definitive, second intermediate, and paratenic host for different parasite species. The fish species is involved in a parasitic system that includes fish-eating birds, fishes of different ecological groups (predatory, planktivorous, and benthivorous), and invertebrates.

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