
Even though the scientific documentation is limited, microbiome of healing clay is gradually gaining attention of the scientific community, as a therapeutic force playing an indispensable role in skin disease management. The present study explores the metatranscriptome profile of the Chamliyal clay, widely known for its efficacy in managing various skin problems, using Illumina NextSeq sequencing technology. The gene expression profile of the clay microbial community was analyzed through SEED subsystems of the MG-RAST server. Due to the unavailability of metatranscriptomic data on other therapeutic clays, Chamliyal's profile was compared to non-therapeutic soils, as well as healthy and diseased human skin microbiomes. The study identified Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria as the primary active microbial phyla in Chamliyal clay. These resemble those abundant in a healthy human skin microbiome. This is significant as lower levels of these phyla in the skin are linked to inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis. Interestingly, pathogenic microbes actively metabolizing in the clay were absent. Importantly, 6% of the transcripts annotated to sulfur and iron metabolism, which are known to play a major role in skin disease management. This study provides the most comprehensive and a novel overview of the metatranscriptome of any of the healing clay available worldwide. The findings offer valuable insights into the clay microbiome's potential in managing skin disorders, inspiring future endeavors to harness these insights for medical applications.

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