
Introduction. The frequency of intraocular metastases is 64–67 % of all metastatic tumors of eye, with the choroid being mainly affected (88–90.7 %). In the majority of cases, metastases are localized in the central regions of the fundus (in 80 % between the equator and the macular zone) and, are characterized by rapid growth and rapid symptoms increase. There is practically no information in the literature about choroidal metastases foloww-up during polychemotherapy.The study objective – to analyze changes in the optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the choriodeal metastatic lesion at the end of polychemotherapy.Materials and methods. Three patients with choroidal metastases were under observation. Two of them were examined once after polychemotherapy. One patient was examined in dynamics before and after the end of polychemotherapy.Results. In all cases, there was a decrease in the thickness of the choroidal complex, compaction of its structure, impaired visualization of the choriocapillaries in the area of metastases localization in the choroid, detected by OCT after polychemotherapy, which should be regarded as evidence of the replacement of the metastatic focus with a scar. Optical coherence tomography – angiography indicates the appearance of ishimization in the projection of the inner choroidl layers, which is evidence of pronounced vascular disorders. We believe that the signs of vascular collateral formation at the level of the choriocapillary layer revealed by OCT-angiography indicate a compensatory reaction of the body.

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