
We consider a finite system of interacting point processes with memory of variable length modeling a finite but large network of spiking neurons with two different leakage mechanisms. Associated to each neuron there are two point processes, describing its successive spiking and leakage times. For each neuron, the rate of the spiking point process is an exponential function of its membrane potential, with the restriction that the rate takes the value 0 when the membrane potential is 0. At each spiking time, the membrane potential of the neuron resets to 0, and simultaneously, the membrane potentials of the other neurons increase by one unit. The leakage can be modeled in two different ways. In the first way, at each occurrence time of the leakage point process associated to a neuron, the membrane potential of that neuron is reset to 0, with no effect on the other neurons. In the second way, if the membrane potential of the neuron is strictly positive, at each occurrence time of the leakage point process associated to that neuron, its membrane potential decreases by one unit, with no effect on the other neurons. In both cases, the leakage point process of the neurons has constant rate. For both models, we prove that the system has a metastable behavior as the population size diverges. This means that the time at which the system gets trapped by the list of null membrane potentials suitably re-scaled converges to a mean one exponential random time.

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