
There currently exist two main approaches to reproducing visual appearance using Machine Learning (ML): The first is training models that generalize over different instances of a problem, e.g., different images of a dataset. As one-shot approaches, these offer fast inference, but often fall short in quality. The second approach does not train models that generalize across tasks, but rather over-fit a single instance of a problem, e.g., a flash image of a material. These methods offer high quality, but take long to train. We suggest to combine both techniques end-to-end using meta-learning: We over-fit onto a single problem instance in an inner loop, while also learning how to do so efficiently in an outer-loop across many exemplars. To this end, we derive the required formalism that allows applying meta-learning to a wide range of visual appearance reproduction problems: textures, Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs), spatially-varying BRDFs (svBRDFs), illumination or the entire light transport of a scene. The effects of meta-learning parameters on several different aspects of visual appearance are analyzed in our framework, and specific guidance for different tasks is provided. Metappearance enables visual quality that is similar to over-fit approaches in only a fraction of their runtime while keeping the adaptivity of general models.

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