
Masculine refers to a specific construction of masculinity that is targeted towards men. Men do not inherently possess masculine traits; instead, masculinity is moulded by cultural influences. The association of masculinity with gender stereotypes in Indonesia arises from a subjective misunderstanding of the qualities of a particular group. Song lyrics containing explicit content, particularly those portraying women in derogatory or overly sexualised ways, might contribute to the establishment and perpetuation of detrimental gender stereotypes. The objective of this study is to examine the manifestation of masculinity in the explicit lyrics of dangdut songs and explore their potential to challenge gender stereotypes associated with women. This study uses a content analysis methodology to deconstruct the symbolic significance of masculine language in music lyrics. Data is collected with songs picked based on three factors (kind of music, song words, and song aspect). The music included are dangdut songs, specifically the three most widely circulated songs in 2023. The selected song lyrics consist of words, phrases, and sentences employed in a vulgar manner. The utilised aspects pertain to masculine attributes, gender-based archetypes, explicit content in song lyrics, and metaphoric expressions. Data analysis procedures carried out using qualitative data analysis approaches might include flexibility. Dangdut employs explicit content as a means of challenging gender norms using a qualitative descriptive method. The research findings indicate that the filthy dangdut songs titled "Ngidam Pentol," "Becekin Adek Bang," and "Jagung Rebus" exhibit different expressions of feminine masculinity. These expressions can be observed through the symbolic significance of the song lyrics, specifically in the form of sulking due to unfulfilled ambitions. Women engage in sexual activity with males, therefore challenging the idea that women are meek, courteous, and well-behaved.

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