
In Turkology is not studied about the professional lexis and its varieties. This article is devoted to the developing professional lexis in Khorezmian dialects and metaphors. Metaphor as the factor of expression of human thought width of the moral-spiritual feature, its role in communication is to widen the in social life. From the moral-spiritual point of view the metaphor shows the width of human thought and in social communication, it is the main tool of increasing the language opportunities. So, the metaphor has a significant part in enriching the lexical level of the language, in particular, development of professional lexis. Here we are going to present it in the model of some native and borrowed words belonging to the professional lexis layer of Khorezmian dialect. The contrast of the native and borrowed lexical units help us infer clear ideas on general features of diverging ethnic people thought. The article is discussed analyzing words „Көтәрмә‟ 'sandal', shakasa and on the basis of it also described the importance of metaphors. Usually, these nets are attached to the boat from both sides. In present Khorezmian dialects, we could hardly find the mentioned meaning of the word. Also, the article has depicted the nature of Uzbek language that the word 'Көтәрмә' developed into the adjective form from the noun.The root for the word was the verb‟ көтәр‟, the main meaning for the noun and for the adjective the connotative meaning of the metaphor. Among professional lexis of fishing we can come across a lot of words which are derived from the verb by adding the suffix -мә, for instance, the word 'қурма' (a rod anchored into the water at night), 'басма' (a net or adoption made of sheet for fishing in the ditch), so is the word, 'тутма чолпь' (a small ladle-shaped basket set on the bottom of the water for fishing) , the word тутма can proof our opinion.We can see the lexical units of metaphor in some words with the suffixes -әк//-к.The suffix -к is added to the verbs with vowel ending and in the stem, it denotes the mean used to perform the action, for instance, the word эшкак. In Khorezmian dialects the word чьшләк – means the pincers, used to pull out the nail , the dialect version of the 'тишла-', with phonetic changes 'чьшлә-' appeared in the language. The verb meaning of the word is the base for the shaping of the connotative meaning. In regional professional layer the borrowed word sandal with the sandonform: the shoemaking tool (fastened on the ground to turn the nail back)and a type of summer footwear. The article is mentioned that in Khorezmian dialects, there were two homonymic words сандал and сандон with separate meanings.Even the first part of the word has social-political meaning, in a professional lexical layer the word denotes „large‟, „giant shape‟ on basis of metaphor. Having concluded and proving the ideas about the samples in this article, we can pin that metaphors give facts in developing of professional lexis and the importance of them. Keywords: metaphors,professional lexis, dialect, borrowed layer, applied art, dictionary units, additions, content.

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