
The Devonian eugeosynclinal volcano-sedimentary complex (the Vrbno and Rejviz series) building the envelope unit of the Desna Dome in the Hrubý Jesenik Mts. was regionally metamorphosed during the polyphase Variscan metamorphism. In it, five zones have been distinguished: the chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite and sillimanite ones. The metamorphism was of progressive character and its intensity (temperature) increased in the Vrbno series from S to N, and in the Rejviz series from SE to NW. The mineral assemblages of rocks correspond to medium-pressure metamorphism in the greenschist, albite-epidote-amphibolite and the amphibolite facies. The earlier metamorphic phase (I) attained at maximum the staurolite zone. The later metamorphic phase (II) was a medium-pressure, too (5.5 kb at a temperature of 670° to 700°C), but it attained a higher temperature. It is represented by the sillimanite zone in which staurolite is unstable and is replaced by muscovite. Almandine does not change. In this paper, among others, the mutual relationships between sillimanite, biotite, staurolite and muscovite, existing in proximity of the sillimanite isograd, are discussed.

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