
The uptake of metals in roots and their transfer to rhizomes and above-ground plant parts (stems, leaves) of cattails (Typha latifolia L.) were studied in leachates from a domestic landfill site (Etueffont, France) and treated in a natural lagooning system. Plant parts and corresponding water and sediment samples were taken at the inflow and outflow points of the four ponds at the beginning and at the end of the growing season. Concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn in the different compartments were estimated and their removal efficiency assessed, reaching more than 90% for Fe, Mn and Ni in spring and fall as well in the water compartment. The above- and below-ground cattail biomass varied from 0.21 to 0.85, and 0.34 to 1.24kgdryweight/m2, respectively, the highest values being recorded in the fourth pond in spring 2011. The root system was the first site of accumulation before the rhizome, stem and leaves. The highest metal concentration was observed in roots from cattails growing at the inflow of the system's first pond. The trend in the average trace element concentrations in the cattail plant organs can generally be expressed as: Fe>Mn>As > Zn>Cr>Cu>Ni>Cd for both spring and fall. While T. latifolia removes trace elements efficiently from landfill leachates, attention should also be paid to the negative effects of these elements on plant growth.

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